Stay Safe During Extreme Heat

As summer officially rolls in this week, we’re in for some record-breaking heat across the east coast. Are you #SummerReady? Here are some fun and essential tips to keep you and your loved ones cool, safe, and healthy during this scorching season. Hot Checklist:

🔹 Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

💧 Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

🔹 Take Breaks

🛑 Rest often, especially if you’re outside.

🔹 Shade Your Face

🧢 Wear a wide-brimmed hat.

🔹 Keep It Light

👕 Wear light, loose-fitting clothing.

🔹 Avoid Strenuous Activities

🚫 Save the heavy lifting for cooler times.

🔹 Check In 👵👴 Keep an eye on loved ones and neighbors, especially older adults

🔹 Watch for Symptoms 🩺 Know the signs of heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. 🔹(Obviously) Never Leave Anyone in a Closed Car 🚗❌ This includes pets!