Periodic Inspections of the properties are completed every two or three years. Homeowners are responsible for the upkeep of the exterior of the properties. During the inspections, the Campus East office notifies the homeowners of the discrepancies using the process below:
1. Notification of Inspection:
Homeowners who are being inspected will be notified via regular mail within 14 days prior of the upcoming inspection. Inspections normally will start in the beginning of March each year.
2. Phase I Letter:
If any discrepancies are found, an initial letter is sent to the Homeowner informing them specifically what was found on the Inspection. The Letter gives homeowners 30 days from the date of the letter to complete. Letter is sent out via Regular Mail.
3. Phase II Letter (Invitation to Architectural Control Committee Meeting):
30 days after the Phase I letter is sent, If items have not been completed, homeowner will be invited to the next ACC Meeting at least two weeks in advance. Letter is sent out Certified without a Certified Letter Fee charged to homeowner.
4. Phase III Letter (10:30 Letter):
If homeowner has not contacted the office to inform them the items have been completed, asked for an extension, nor did they attend
the meeting they were invited to, the Phase III Letter will be sent no later than 7 days after the ACC Meeting. This letter explains the charges of $10 per day for 30 days up to 90 days (authorized by the Virginia Property Owner’s Association Act and Documents) has been started and will continue until all items on the list have been completed. Homeowner is given 60 days from the date of the letter to complete the items listed. The Phase III letter is sent Certified Mail as well as Regular Mail and homeowner will be charged a certified letter fee.
5. Phase IV Letter (ILA Letter):
After 60 days from the date of the 10:30 letter, if homeowner has not contacted the office, an ILA Letter also known as the Impending Legal Action Letter will be mailed out to the homeowner. This letter is to inform the homeowner the items still have not been completed and their account will be turned over to the attorney after the final 30 days has passed. The Phase IV letter is sent Certified Mail as well as Regular Mail and homeowner will be charged a certified letter fee.
Once account has been turned over to the attorney, the Board of Directors is unable to make any adjustments or changes as stated in the Book of Resolutions. Homeowner will be responsible for paying the charges imposed as well as any attorney fees, court costs, lien filing fees, interest, and other costs permitted by law or the Governing Documents. Additionally the Board may instruct the attorney to obtain an order from the court requiring your compliance with the Association’s standards and requirements.
According to the VPOA, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to make sure the Campus East Office has the correct mailing address. The Association is only required to send out any correspondence to the last known address on file.