Fencing & Easements

As it is said “Good Fences make Great Neighbors” so it should also be said that “Bad Fences make Bad Neighbors”.

The Original Builder of Campus East Community Association, R.G Moore did not include in Construction of the Units Built, any Fencing. Fencing that is now in place was put there by an Owner of the Property, be it the first Owner or the current Owner. Regardless of which, each Owner before placing any Fencing onto their property was responsible for checking with the Association in regards to the correct placement and style of fencing.

What is a 2 ft (two foot) Easement

Every Property Owner in Campus East Community Association is required to maintain a 2 ft. (two foot) easement off of their Property Line, this is to allow for access between Units from the Front of the Unit to the Rear of the Unit. Each section of Units was Built so as to allow the Legal Utility / Pedestrian Easement Access required by the Virginia Beach Zoning Laws.

Its Everyone’s Responsibility

Maintaining the Cleanliness of the Easements is not only the Responsibility of the Property Owners that the Easements adjoin to, but it is the Responsibility of ALL Residents of Campus East.

That’s Not My Responsibility:
This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have.

Remember, When Installing, Changing and or Moving ANY Fencing on the your Property check with the Campus East Office before doing anything !!

Types of Fencing

Dog Eared Style Fencing is the ONLY Approved Fencing permitted within Campus East Community Association for Rear and Side Fencing. Split Rail Fencing, used for Fencing in Front of Properties, is Reviewed on a case by case basis by the ACC Committee.


Fence Maintenance

Example of Blocked Legal Utility / Pedestrian Easement Access Due to adjoining Property Fences.
Example of Blocked Legal Utility / Pedestrian Easement Access Due to Property Owners on both sides NOT placing their Fences 2ft (two feet) inside their Property Lines.